
Local Haunts Anthology

Created by Kara Love

Spooky stories from our hometowns to yours.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sick Pup = Shipping Delay
over 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 06:03:13 PM

Hey all,

Slight delay in today's workflow. I had planned to mail off about 150 books today, but my dog Tahani had other plans. If you follow me on Twitter @shoelais, you may have seen the photo I posted of her yesterday. While I packaged books (and she helpfully wandered the room), I noticed she was having trouble breathing and that her face had swollen up. She took some Benadryl, but it didn't help much so after a few hours we went to the vet.

sad, sick baby

We figured out it was an allergic reaction, although to what we couldn't say. She was given steroids and a Rx of more Benadryl and sent home. By dinner, she was pretty much back to normal.

Star wipe to this morning. She's puked twice so far, and I can say with 100% certainty she ate a plant (I REALLY wish I wasn't so certain.) She's lethargic and obviously not feeling great. For her sake, and the sake of my carpet, I'll be sitting with her until someone else gets home who can take over or we end up at the vet again.

Unfortunately, this means those packages won't be mailed until tomorrow or, more likely, Monday. I'm sorry to make you wait, but hopefully you've downloaded your copy of the digital book and enjoy that while waiting for physical copies. Thank you for your patience, and if you feel so inclined, send Tahani lots of love so she feels better.

Tahani, asking for your love and understanding.

FIXED: Digital Downloads
over 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 07:05:26 PM

Hey everyone,

Thank you to everyone who reached out about issues with their downloads, I know it was frustrating. BackerKit's support was able to figure out the issues (thanks Brandon from BackerKit!) and your digital copies are now ready download. For real this time. I promise.

Whoops.. Digital Delay
over 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 01:20:03 AM

Hello Backers,

You may have received an email from BackerKit letting you know your digital book is ready for download. Unfortunately, we've had an error with the distribution rule (basically, it stalled.) I'm working with the BackerKit support team to get this fixed ASAP, and you'll receive a follow up email when that happens. I still hope to get the book out to you all today, tomorrow at the latest.

Thank you for being patient as I work through this issue!

They're Here!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 08:57:40 PM

Hello everyone. I've got a big update and a couple small housekeeping messages. Let's get started!


 They're here, they're gorgeous, they're sitting in my office just waiting to be sorted and sent to their new homes. This weekend I will be sorting orders, printing labels, and packing envelopes. My goal is to get most of the orders to Backers by October 31st. *fingers crossed*

I'd like to thank Marquis Book Printing for their amazing quality, customer service, and delivery times. They really made this book look GOOD.


It was always my goal to have e-books available a couple weeks before physical copies. Due to some personal and family events, I am running a little behind on getting the e-books out. They will be available for download beginning next week. You should be receiving an email from BackerKit with the download link on the day they're released.


If you are one of the few people who ordered a commission but never responded to the survey or emails regarding details, please reach out to me at editor (at) localhauntsanthology (dot) com. Backers who did not provide their commission details in time will still receive the rest of their order in the following weeks, but please note your commission may be delivered at a later date.

When you get your books, please tag us and creators on social media. You can find us on Twitter @localhauntsbook, Instagram @localhauntsanthology, and my personal account @shoelais on both.

I'll leave you with our first (un)official book review from my 11 year old, who said, "I really like it! Some of them are cute and some of them are super scary. I'm never going to Oregon now."

Surveys are Due, Books Are Ready To Print
over 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 07:06:24 PM

It's been a while since our last update, and you're probably wondering how the book is coming. More importantly, WHEN is the book coming? This update contains that answer and more.

Survey Deadline 7/29

The final day to fill out your Backer Surveys is July 29th. The vast majority of you have already completed your surveys, so thank you for that! If you have not completed your survey, you should have an email with a link to do so. If you cannot find your survey link, please email me at [email protected] BEFORE July 29th so I can assist you. Once the Surveys are locked, you'll need to contact me directly for any changes.

Note: You CAN change your shipping address via BackerKit until the end of September. So if you plan to move between now and when the books are shipped, don't worry. I'll get that book to you!


Many Backers who ordered commissions have chosen to send reference pictures via email. After your survey is complete, you should receive an email from [email protected] to request your image/further information. If you have finished your survey but did not receive an email, first make sure it was not filtered to your junk folder and then reach out to me at the above address. Artists cannot begin working on your commission without all the necessary information.


The final files are being sent to our printer on July 31st. Books (and add-ons) should be in my hands in early October, and you should start receiving yours mid-October. If our schedule changes, I will let you know via Kickstarter updates (like this one!) but this should be the right timeframe.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reply to this update, reach out via email, or on Twitter @shoelais.